
To increase weight, put food in the pan!!!!!

If you want to stay healthy, you have to adjust your weight with age and height. Many weigh less than they need toWeight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.
.But did you know that it is possible to gain weight by eating healthy and nutritious food?
According to a report published on a health website, a variety of weight gain foods have been reported.
Let's find out which foods to eat to gain weight-

1. Eat rice:

You can eat rice with ghee every night to gain weight. These foods cause rapid weight gain.

2. Mango and milk:

Ripe mango is available in the market at this time. Mix mango with a glass of hot milk and try it for a month. You will get good results

3. Honey and banana:

You can eat honey and banana. You will benefit from eating banana and honey regularly to gain weight naturally.

4. Fried almonds:

Fry the almonds with ghee till golden. You can eat twice a week for better results.

5. Figs and raisins:

Soak 30 grams raisins and six to seven dried figs in water overnight and eat the next day. Follow this routine for a month.

6. Ghee and potato:

Mixing one table-spoon of ghee with one table-spoon of sugar twice a day will increase weight. In addition, you can eat one boiled potato regularly for two months. This will increase the weight.

7. Milk and banana:

Eat a banana every morning. Drink a glass of milk mixed with a tablespoon of honey.

8. Almonds and milk:

Mix a handful of almond powder in boiling milk. Wait eight to 10 minutes for it to cool. Drinking this milk will increase weight.

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