
Carona Caution: What to do if you have a sore throat?

Sore throat may seem like a common problem, but it is no less painful. It can also be one of the earliest symptoms of coronavirus infection in the body. Sore throat and dry cough can trigger this viral infection, so you may suffer from it if you do not take it first.
Emergency treatment is needed if any of the symptoms of coronavirus coincide. There are some home remedies that will help fight sore throats. It doesn't take much trouble to do this.

Ginger and honey

Ginger and honey work to fight off bad germs and infectious viruses. Ginger is a well-known spice that is effective in reducing the symptoms of sore throat. Honey is an anti-inflammatory agent that strengthens your immune system. Ginger and honey are mixed to open the sinuses. As a result, mucus is released and the feeling or itching inside the throat is relieved.

Salt and water

Gargling with salt-water is one of the best and most reliable remedies to get rid of germs and viruses. You can adhere to it to get rid of sore throat. Gargling three or four times a day is enough. Although there is no conclusive evidence that salt-water can kill germs or coronavirus, salt-water does help reduce certain symptoms, such as bloating and inflammation. It is also a good way to stay hydrated, which is important to fight colds, coughs or any viral infections.

Mix half a tablespoon of salt with hot water and gargle. Don't swallow it. You can do this three to four times a day. However, salt-water is not a coronavirus treatment or prevention.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has alkaline properties and anti-inflammatory properties. It is the main ingredient of Oxymelas which is used to cure cough and cold. It is especially helpful in relieving sore throat. This is because the ingredients in the acid help to eliminate the spread of bad bacteria. You can mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. You can add honey for extra flavor.
The above remedies can only be used to treat sore throats. These simple home remedies are by no means the only treatment for coronavirus infection. Home remedies can help you to a certain extent but if the problem persists, or you experience more symptoms of coronavirus, seek medical help immediately. Follow other preventive measures to prevent the spread of the disease

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