
What to eat at this time to keep the lungs well

The lungs are the most affected by the epidemic of coronavirus. At this time the lungs need to be taken care of the most. The lungs keep the body healthy by expelling the contaminants that enter the body with the breath. For this reason, if its effectiveness is reduced, the risk of life increases. When the coronavirus enters the body, it injures the lungs. Therefore, special care needs to be taken to keep the lungs healthy at this time. According to experts, the role of food is important to keep the lungs healthy. Especially those whose lungs are already weak due to age or shortness of breath need to be more careful in this regard

Experts have given special importance to some foods to keep the lungs healthy. According to the American Lung Association, people with COPD or asthma need to eat more healthy fats than carbohydrates. However, experts also say that since carbohydrates are part of a balanced diet, it cannot be ruled out. Instead, the type of carbohydrate should be changed

Complex carbohydrates instead of ordinary carbohydrates. Vegetables that have less starch should be eaten more. At this time the amount of potato, patal, pumpkin, carrot etc. should be increased. In addition, flour bread instead of flour, white rice instead of brown rice will reduce lung damage, weight and diabetes will be under control. In addition, to keep the lungs healthy, potassium-rich foods such as greens, tomatoes, beets, potatoes, bananas should be eaten regularly. In addition, protein-rich foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, yogurt, pulses, lentils, etc. are also good for the lunglungs

Scientists say that in addition to eating and drinking according to the rules, eating a few special foods increases the immunity of the lungs

1. Onion and garlic: These ingredients reduce the tendency of inflammation, provide strength to fight against infectionIn an article published in the Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Biomarkers and Prevention, scientists found that regular smokers who ate raw garlic had a 40 percent lower risk of developing various lung diseases

2. Ginger: Anti-inflammatory ingredients in it reduce inflammation. Regular consumption of a little ginger powder is good for lung health.
Raw chillies: Regular consumption of chillies improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of infection

3. Turmeric: Curcumin in turmeric reduces inflammation.

4. Fruits and vegetables: Apples, guavas, cucumbers, white fruits are all beneficial for the lungs. The flavonoids and vitamin C in apples and lemons increase lung function

5. Vegetables: Carrots, pumpkins, bell peppers contain antioxidants and vitamin C enhances lung performance.
Different types of beans and seeds: Magnesium in different types of beans and seeds has an effective role in increasing the efficiency of the lungs. Vitamin E in linseed, enhances immunity. Apart from these, experts have emphasized on drinking enough water and regular exercise to keep the lungs healthy

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